I seem to have become saturated with the emotions prevalent for the people of my age . The saturation has reached the levels of indifference n generally visible to others as an ultimate 'dil todne Ki machine' heart breaker . Majority of the friends i have r males n i enjoy beautiful friendships with them . But somehow i hv utterly failed to accept that a male can ever be a potential life partner for me. The trust deficit lies not in thm but with my own self . I cant trust myself with someone's heart, someone's love , someone's life long commitment ....n the biggest irony is that they come with no intention to love n themselves fall in love with this emotionless girl. It scares me .... Terribly... Fear of forever lonliness ...
sooner than i realized , i am a young woman now , well into adulthood, well past the whims n fancies, aspiring to take up responsible professions but so fickle in her own heart . After a self induced breakup n mny 'about to b born relationships ' killed by me (though they were all good) , my heart refuses to stick n say that HE'S THE ONE . My honesty if intentions is unquestionable,but somehow that dreadful monotony , boredom gripples me n no matter how much i try its impossible to hold on .
......... Realise i know ..... That .... Eternly m a nomadic gypsy ...... —
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